Saturday, November 30, 2013

Where were You, God?

"Where was God?" is a question I stopped asking.  I stopped asking:

"Where were you when he hit me in the face with a towel and sent my glasses flying?"

"Where were you when he kicked me with his steel toe boot out of frustration?"

"Where were you when he pushed me through the spindles in the upstairs hallway?'

"Where were you when he shoved me when I was pregnant, causing me to fall backward onto the top rack of the dishwasher?"

"Where were you when he blocked me and had me cornered in the hallway?"

"Where were you when he mercilessly called me names and yelled at me?"

"Where were you when he was throwing furniture in the house?"

"Why was it that you answered so many prayers but, when it came to my marriage you were silent?"

I stopped asking those questions and resolved to believe after a lot of convincing that God does not waste pain.  That every painful place I have walked through in this life, He will use so that others might be touched and healed. 

I stopped asking questions and realized that all of my "situations" are an open opportunity for God to show Himself as a healer.  He will heal this broken heart.   He created me and is committed to seeing me whole... again.